Thursday, July 07, 2005

Pictures--not so much writing->

I am going to pos a few pictures I like--recently I found out how to use photoshops auto-
fetures. This will let me upload pictures much faster. These are some of my older pictures
but I still really like them.

Above left, a baby sheetweb spider, about the size the point on a slightly dull pencel tip.
Right-a brightly colored beetle shows its colors. It reminds me of a firefly but it's not.
Unfortunately all of my insect books were lost in storage several years ago. I need to
buy some more or get serious on line to identify some of these insects.

Two small flies--taken with alot of care. Sometimes I spend up to an hour in one spot just
to get these pictures. The more I practiced my approch--and the better my lenses got-
the better I could get them.

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