Sunday, August 21, 2005


I’ve been meaning to start on this subject for a long time.
Moths. Specifically, very small moths. The one above is shown
next to a scale not in inches, not in centimeters, IN millimeters!
Many of these months are smaller then 5mm long and have very
surprisingly complex colors and features. I have probably
photographed 20-45 species of them since I started my nightly

I have many pictures I will trickle onto this sight of these fascinating
little moths. Some of them very beautiful. Due to my powerful
macro lenses, photographing them is not very difficult and I do not
really on cropping. One reason why I began building my own
lenses and lens additions.

This is a centimeter scale! And this tiny moth has a Mohawk hair cut!
This is a modified bug light I made. These things are everywhere
and people buy them thinking it will help. Unfortunately, they
usually act as super-but magnets and do nothing but bring more
bugs to people and give the impression they are helping because
of the dramatic terrible end these lights bring to there victims.
Mosquitos–and other pesky bugs, do not find people by looking
for lights. These killer props are sold and often do more harm
then good killing beneficial species like ladybugs and young
praying mantises. The voltage used to zap them is enough to
“hook” a man on and electrocute you. I received three years
training in electrical engineering when I was a teenager through
a community mentor program. DO NOT attempt to build
something like this on your own unless you have
knowledge as it is very dangerous. The coil voltage
on this
one is about 1500volts and the AC line current
makes it even more
dangerous. The sparks may look
small, but that has nothing to
do with weather or not
it could kill you.
Scientists & educators etc, - for plans on
how to build this e-mail me from this site.

This device will never kill anything again. I have disconnected
the transformer and thus the electricity from the wire fencing
and everything else so the light is harmless. It is now just a
beckon that the bugs can land on and I can use to photograph
bugs on. I recently bought it and modified it. I’m going to see
when I get back from my trip to see my Dad how well it attacks
Insects. Why use this light? Because it’s tuned towards the
spectrum of light that insects and spiders can see the best–
Twards the ultra-violet spectrum. Low power needs also
means that a small 12v battery can be connected to a mini-inverter
and this thing can be made portable very easy with battery life
lasting for hours. The simplest way is to use a car and extension
cord. Several of these and an extra car battery would make
a really good rig for attracting bugs anywhere and could fit
in any trunk.

I will be adding alot more of these interesting moths soon.


  1. Lexie what "weird posts"?

    Please leave a message or e-mail me.
    I can't awnser your question or respond
    to feedback if I dont' know what you
    mean. PLEASE E-MAIL
    so I can send you something back!
    OR at least write more here.

    IF you want to tell me what you think
    is "weird" then please leave a message
    here and I can explain it or something.
    Unltil then don't leave me wondering
    what your talking about with no idea?


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