Monday, April 24, 2006


This old barn has collapsed even more since I first saw it back when I moved here in The Dalles.
As a photographer--I was given permission to take pictures of it and explore it recently. I took quite a few pictures.

Inside here is what looks to be an old ice box. Back in them days--when your parents were kids, they would have a central ice machine in town--so to keep your food cold you would have to have a block of ice delivered to you each week or whatever. This huge block of ice would then keep your food fresh for a while. Like the milkman--this service passed into history.

The inside was scary--I walked in only as far as my camera needed to go. A barn like this is very dangerous--I don' t have to tell you that this one was ready to collapse at a high gust of wind or a bad placed step. Also--this would have been trespassing without me getting permission. So don't get any ideas about going places like this without permission and common sense. You might be exploring a place like this and hear buckshot fly all around you. Trespassing is not smart--especially in a town like this where everybody has a gun.

I'm not sure what kind of farm equipment this is--but it's obviously as old as the barn and has been sitting here collecting years.

The inside of this barn was like a cathedral. The lighting was incredible and made for some really nice patterns.

From this picture you can see just how unstable this barn is. It must be over 100 years old.

An overview of it from a hill, this thing will come down if we have another five feet of snow like we had that one year that pushed it half in.

And this is The Dalles. You can fit the whole town in a 50mm lens. It's not all that big or impressive but the many things to photograph here make it a nice place to be a photographer.

MORE PICTURES OF THIS BARN ARE AVALIBLE e-mail me if you are interested in
seeing them.

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