Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Orchid Nightlight

People may often think this site is just another "bug" website. No. It's not. I just have not published enough of my other stuff sometimes. If you look deeper you will find more under "all pictures"--all those shots that have nothing to do with bugs and the ones that do. This is a very recent construction I did in Photoshop in less then two hours. I carry a good camera every where I go. That can really pay off when you want to find things like this and countless other stuff to photograph. I never know what I will find when I go anywhere, subjects, lighting situations, and even things of journalistic interest come up all the time, even out here in The Dalles. The lighting changes here alone is a good reason to carry a camera to be ready to take pictures of the hills at the right time. You would probably never guess where I shot these orchids. And I did photograph them myself. (I don't use other people's art or work in mine like that unless I say so giving credit and getting permission) And I do not ever leave my house without at least one good camera for anything that might come up. This image in full-res is extremely high resolution and would be very crisp as a-full sized huge poster.

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  1. Anonymous6:33 PM

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