Friday, September 03, 2010


Panoramic view of downtown Portland.  Fuji S1500 compact superzoom was used for this one.   More pictures and more comments of interest are on there way.  Writing on this site I must minimize things.   I will start a new one for other interests.   Questions, comments and fanmail are welcome at:  I get TONS of junk mail so if I don't get back to you in few days it's not your fault.  Please send me another.  Take care and I thank everyone for there encouragement.

A blast from the bast.. a shot I took in 2007 probably with my old Canon 10d 6mp DSLR.

There are lots of pics I want to show you but my laptop total died!     I'm currently using my wife's computer as a backup but she does not have the necessary room for me to run my photographic software on her computer.   About a month ago, my main and only laptop computer.. a duel processor duel core HP dv9139us COMPLETELY CRASHED dead as a door nail.   I can't even get the screen to come on.   The system simply re-boots over and over again never finding a boot disk no matter what boot disc you put in it.   I used Linux and Windows and even ordered the system restore disk from HP.   Useless.   The computer seems to have a problem with the motherboard that will cost over 400 bucks to fix.   Put short.. at $599 a pop I'd be better off just getting a new one since I have other problems with the computer.   It already had some kind of damage.. one USB slot died, and so did one color on the external monitor port.  Hardware failure confirmed.    So the motherboard has been in trouble for some time.  After talking to HP and reading on line I have concluded that the system was possibly meant to crash in 3 years time.   Literally dozens of models and 100s of people have had this problem yet HP does NOTHING about it!  So that is what it feels like.    Could it be that the latest laptops have built in BIOS problems that inherently require you to use Windows or have your computer crash??   OR is this HP trying to justify selling a good laptop with a terminal problem built in on purpose??   I am not big on conspiracy theories but it makes me wonder reading all the info.   Was this computer built to crash in about 3 years so I'd buy a new one??   I don't know.. but whatever happened it's left me without a computer with enough memory to work with my images and therefor I won't be posting much for a couple of months or more.   I don't know how long it will take for me to save up for a new laptop but it's top on my list.   Just letting my readers know.

COMMENTS ARE BEING REMOVED the system has been abused.   Due to the obvious abuse of the comment system on my blog.. I am going to turn OFF the RECENT comments view as it seems to be next to impossible to keep people from using my site for illegal adds and other ridiculous junk.    Until the system is cleaned up more.. I can't afford to have what is in essence my face on the Internet covered with junk comments that could say anything.   I'm turning them off.   You can thank the fools that post stupid junk like recently seen from adds about adult material to chat about computers that has nothing to do with my site or anything on it.   Please use the comment bar nicely or email me.

A shot I took right after the fire with my Fuji S1500 compact zoom at very high ISO and a long exposure.

COMEBACK EXPECTED with LOTS of new pictures in a couple of months or so. 
When I do make my comeback in a couple of months I plan to do so with LOTS of pictures.   I've been taking them and editing them in camera and just copying them to external hard drives.

"No personal space" Fuji S1500 pic
Is Siemens going to build us any more Max trains??   We need them.   It is nearly impossible to ride in many places during rush hour.

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