This is the famous and very common crab Flower Spider- Misumena vatia
These two pictures were taken with my 35mm Pentax using
extension tubes a couple of months ago. I believe I just used a two
of them with a 135mm lens to take these. As you can see old cameras are not
“dead”–35mm pictures like these can be put right into the digital
world. I could scan them myself–but to spare myself that difficult
and actualy more expencive proses by just have my film developed to
a CD (they scan the film to make the prints now days anyway)-any
good photo-store (even like Fred Mayers) should have the option
and will get the absolute most out of your pictures producing 2-5mb+
JPEG files (you could of corse ask for RAW or other modes if you want).
You get a picture that is somewhere between a very nice 3.2mp
(a $300+ 3.2mp camera) and a nice 5mp camera. Depending on
the film you use, and of corse how good your comparison 5mp and 3.2mp
test cameras sensor is. Some are better then others in fact due to optics
and other factors I’ve heard a good 4mp camera can be better then a cheap
5mp. It is all about the depth and color and thus quality of your sensor–
of corse the pixel size must be compensated for which is not difficult to do.
I’ve seen some big differences. I’m no expert but my tests put the film
mark between 3.2 and 4.5mp in JPEG depending on what kind of film
you use. There is a difference between 200-400 regular film and expensive
fine slide film wich turns out higher resolutions and better colors-I have not
tested the "high definition" films.

Gabe I hope you continue to visit my site. We have some differences in opinion and I make statements that are not very clear. I am not offended by any thing you have said and I am impressed by your pictures and broad knowledge of nature. I like making people ask questions and I often leave it to them to find the answer. I do not have a profile yet I just want to be known as keychain. The rose breasted Grosbeaks are eating dogwood berries outside my window now and if I get a chance I will get a picture in-flight they look like a bobolink in flight. This week is the first time I have seen these birds and I have lived here 20 years.
On another subject you should photograph ballgames that is the way I paid for my camera. It may not be big money but it is quick. I think I said that it is a Dimage Z1 with 10 power zoom 3.2 megapic. It is also great for wildlife with as much as 6 power digital zoom with the high quality setting and 10 power optical zoom it gives me 60 power photos. The new dimage is out Dimage z6 and it is 6megpic with 12 power optical. It takes AA size batteries and I have about 3 sets of nickel metal hydride batteries. I have a 512 MB
Card and can take over 300 pictures on that card before down loading. It may sound expensive but I have not had a picture printed in about two years and I sold enough that I printed to pay for my camera. This year I sold pictures on a CD and let the people do the printing. I only charged $1.00 to cut a disk and $1.00 per pic each disk plus the case cost me about 28 cents so I made quick money. Some people sell prints at the games for $ 5.00 a piece. I have gone totally digital because it is cheaper after the investment you get thousnds of pictures that are almost free I am still using the same batteries that I bought about 3years ago
I have easily taken over 5000 pictures many deleted. So my total investment may have been between $600. and $700. Divided by 5000 = 14 cents a picture and getting cheaper. It also has Super Macro but I don't know how to use that yet.
I hope I have not said anything that bothers you keep your chin up and your lens cover in your pocket.
Take lots of pictures and post them I will be watching.
please send your mom this address as I have not been able to reach her thru emails. teresa duncan 2055 delta st. eugene or. 97404 thanks for your help. teresa duncan--mccann
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