Tuesday, April 04, 2006


ABOVE- a number of pictures I printed last year. A few of which sold. My site is now and forever known as Mostly Macros. It's name changed in 2006 from "Spiders Insects and other pics". In 2011 I have kept the same name and even had it ripped off back a few years ago by one letter. Now Mostly Macros is more then just the name of this blog. It is the name for my photographic creations and selling them.

As it might seem I cannot come up with a name for my site that I want
to keep. I changed it to fast--for those of you who found my site in
Google or another search engine, you know they only just found out
I changed my old website site name! I apologize for all this name
change. My URL or actual Internet address remains the same.
gabebeas.blogspot.com I had to show something more then just
“My interesting Images”. Since most of my work is Macro and even
Micro--I had to change that name so that hopefully people will be
more likely to explore my website. “MACRO” IS NOT my website.
That button is a link like “Steve’s spider picks” and “Just pictures”.
These linked to Internet friends of mine who shoot similar types of
pictures as I do.

MOSTLY MACROS and more will finally stay as the name of my
website. I thank my mentor Ron for doing the html work needed
to change my site name, again. If you wish to re-name your site-
BE SURE about it and give yourself time to really think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I had 470 dollars I'd buy myself a nice macro lens-or maybe even a backup computer so I can just use it for e-mail and Internet stuff. I like compliments but I doubt these are genuine. I got about 30 of them so far as e-mails!

Gabe B.