Thursday, April 26, 2007

Agana bay

This is one of the most opportunistic shots I have ever gotten. I had just a couple of shots left in my Nikon EM 35mm SLR and did not waste them. At just the right time everything happened just right. The plane banked to the right and I took this shot of Agana bay where my Mom and Step dad live. In the full size version you can nearly see a small part of the condo. That island is the same one I get sunsets here in further pictures. There place is to the middle right of the picture. It was really lucky to get this angle. Not to often do planes fly this low and slow over your house. They changed Agana bay to it's old spelling a few years ago. I have no idea how to spell it. It's a bunch of those complex letters and stuff. But its' still Agana bay to everybody. What a shot!

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